Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pre-Trip Thoughts

Testing out the blog today :)  I am beyond excited for this trip.  I want to soak up the natural beauty, the culture, and the laid back lifestyle that many other countries seem to have mastered.  While I love America, this work more than family "go go go" lifestyle enables many good relationships to thrive.  I hope to bring back a little more of the slow pace to my own life.

Bringing one backpack is going to be tough (I have already spent hours strategizing).  However, it could be extremly freeing to have my life in a bag and hopefully realize that I don't need a "walk-in closet" or lots of products to experience joy and beauty :)  Maybe 1 Peter will come to life when The Lord declares that "true beauty should not come from outward adornment such as braided hair, wearing of gold jewelry, and fine clothes."  (A little ironic, seeing that braided hair and ponies will take over my style, but you get the point).

To family and friends who will follow the blog: This blog is taking place of my journal during this trip (space saver).  I am so glad to share the trip with you.  Feel free to skim to pictures if my thoughts seem to clutter the blog, I simply can't help it.  Perhaps I'll be like the authors who travel for thought and I'll be able to create such memory and documentation that the trip lives on for a lifetime :)